School Holidays 2025 - UK Term Dates


School Holidays 2025 - UK Term Dates

5 min read

Are you planning a holiday this year? Do you have your sights set on a beach holiday in Greece, a city break in Italy, or some sightseeing in France? If you have a family, those holidays can be expensive and tricky to arrange, but in this guide, we’ll give you some pointers.

Read on to see when the school holidays are in 2025 and to discover some tips on parking cheaply and saving money in other areas.

School Holiday Dates 2025
Schools out! Uh-oh.

When Are the 2025 School Holidays in the United Kingdom?

School holidays vary across different regions of the United Kingdom, so schools in England often have different dates from those across the border in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The dates can also differ by region and council. You can use the following tables as a guide, but we recommend checking with your local council for the specifics.

School Holidays 2025 in England
2025 Holidays 🏖️StartEnd
Spring Holidays17/02/202521/02/2025
Easter Holidays14/04/202525/04/2025
Half-Term Summer26/05/202530/05/2025
Summer Holidays23/07/202529/08/2025
Autumn Holidays27/10/202531/10/2025
Christmas Holidays22/12/202502/01/2025
School Holidays 2025 in Scotland
2025 Holidays 🏖️StartEnd
Spring Holidays10/02/202514/02/2025
Easter Holidays07/04/202524/04/2025
Half-Term Holidays05/05/202506/05/202519/05/202519/05/2025
Summer Holidays27/06/202513/08/2025
Autumn Holidays13/10/202520/10/2025
Christmas Holidays22/12/202505/01/2025
School Holidays 2025 in Wales
2025 Holidays 🏖️StartEnd
Spring Holidays24/02/202528/02/2025
Easter Holidays14/04/202525/04/2025
Half-Term Holidays05/05/202505/05/202526/05/202530/05/2025
Summer Holidays22/07/202529/08/2025
Autumn Holidays27/10/202531/10/2025
Christmas Holidays22/12/202502/01/2026
School Holidays 2025 in Northern Ireland
2025 Holidays 🏖️StartEnd
Spring Holidays13/02/202514/02/2025
Easter Holidays17/04/202525/04/2025
Summer Holidays01/07/202501/09/2025
Autumn Holidays30/10/202531/10/2025
Christmas Holidays22/12/202502/01/2026

Parking Tips for Long Trips

Gone are the days when you could just ask a friend to drop you off at the airport or even take a taxi. The former is rarely an option if you have kids and suitcases—unless your friend happens to drive a minivan—and the latter can cost more than the actual holiday.

These days, the best solution is to drive to the airport and leave your car. You don’t need to arrange lifts or rely on anyone else, and your vehicle will be there when you return.

Keep the following tips in mind to ensure you get the best deal for the least fuss:

Compare Prices

The search tools on CheapAirportParking let you compare the cheapest parking options at airports across the United Kingdom. In a few clicks, you’ll see what’s available and how much it costs.

It’s the easiest way to search and it ensures you get a great price. This is how you should start every search. Don’t just call the airport directly and book their on-site options, as they are often the most expensive ones.

Book in Advance

Most parking services will let you pay on the day, so you can just show up, park, pay, and then travel. But this often comes at a premium. What’s more, there’s no guarantee that they will have any spaces left, and if that happens, you could be forced to take a more expensive and less convenient option.

Ideally, you should book at least 3 days in advance, but you can book even earlier if preferred. Most airport parking services offer some kind of refund if your plans are changed or cancelled, so as long as you have your flight tickets, you can book the parking.

Consider Off-Site Parking

As with anything else, you pay for convenience when it comes to airport parking. Official airport parking is usually closest to the terminal, but it’s also the most expensive. If you venture a little further away, there are many off-site options available for considerably less.

Off-site parking might not be official, but it’s very much a valid and legitimate service. These car parks are usually protected with 24/7 CCTV and security guards. They might be further away, but some are still within walking distance and the others provide regular airport shuttles.

An airport shuttle is simply a bus that runs from the car park to the airport. It’s free and you can hop on and hop off as needed. You can take your luggage—and kids—with you and there’s usually plenty of room.

How to Save Money on Family Holidays

Parking is one of the few things that doesn’t get astronomically more expensive when you have a family. It seems that the older you get and the more kids you have, the more your holidays cost. But there are a few ways to keep the costs down:

Look for Free Attractions

You don’t need to spend money to see the sights. Museums, parks, gardens, and open-air events are often free, and they’re not the only ones. Don’t fall victim to expensive theme parks, zoos, and other costly activities. If you’re on a budget, free is always best.

Resist the Temptation

It’s easy to overspend on holiday. You’re enjoying yourself, your guard is down, and you’ve already allocated a holiday budget. You might as well spend it, right?

Well, not if you can’t afford to.

Avoid gift shops and overpriced tourist traps. Don’t spend money on stuff you don’t need or already have at home. If you want to take gifts back for friends and family, look for cheaper and more meaningful options, such as a small bottle of locally-produced spirit, instead of a big bottle of duty-free; some local sweets, instead of boxes of luxury chocolates.

Take What You Have

We’re all guilty of buying more clothes than we need before the holiday begins. We convince ourselves that we need a new wardrobe as our current one is not cut out for the weather.

But we have summer and winter in England as well. It gets both hot and cold here. Do you seriously not have any tee-shirts or winter coats? Take the clothes you have to save yourself some cash.

Play Around with the Dates

You have to book during the holidays if you have kids, but you could still save some cash by changing the dates. Returning a day earlier could save you a few quid on flights and it will also reduce your hotel costs.

Use apps like Skyscanner to compare flights and see what the cheapest options are.